The Decider Continues to Make the World Safe for Democracy
This bodes well...
From President Bush's speech: “My message to the Iranian people is, ‘You can do better than this current government,’ ” Mr. Bush said. “ ‘You don’t have to be isolated. You don’t have to be in a position where you can’t realize your full economic potential.’ ”
Hmmm.... couldn't this statement be better applied to some other country? You know, like a country with $8.97 trillion in national debt and $2.62 trillion in consumer debt? A country where the average life expectancy has fallen from 11th in the world to 42nd in the past two decades? A country that is already quagmired in two wars? With a government that increasingly acts unilaterally in the global arena at the peril of its own citizens? A country burdened by an executive branch with ever-expanding secret powers? And an opposition party that gained control of the House on the backs of civil rights groups, but then turned around and voted new secret executive powers into law, just in time to collectively head out the door for a vacation? Couldn't Bush's statement better apply to a country like that????

Hmmm.... couldn't this statement be better applied to some other country? You know, like a country with $8.97 trillion in national debt and $2.62 trillion in consumer debt? A country where the average life expectancy has fallen from 11th in the world to 42nd in the past two decades? A country that is already quagmired in two wars? With a government that increasingly acts unilaterally in the global arena at the peril of its own citizens? A country burdened by an executive branch with ever-expanding secret powers? And an opposition party that gained control of the House on the backs of civil rights groups, but then turned around and voted new secret executive powers into law, just in time to collectively head out the door for a vacation? Couldn't Bush's statement better apply to a country like that????
Labels: are we really sure that this guy is off the white horse, bad photoshop, bush's paranoia, can't wait for '08, george bush, iran, please no, the decider, united states, we're all fucked
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